It was the early 1930s when the great-great-grandfather Antonio Sartori bought the company as a family investment. Having 9 children, he decided, also due to some misunderstandings between brothers and sisters, to donate the company to his eldest daughter Angela (Lina) and to the younger Pellegrino (Renzo), who however decided to move to Milan and later became an industrialist in the branch of hosiery factories.

Lina, also known as “Signorina” because she had never married, moved to the manor house, where we live today, thus taking over the reins of the company. She is still remembered today by our fellow villagers, who had worked for her when they were young, as a courteous, honest but also very strict woman.

When she died, the company passed entirely into the hands of Renzo who, however, given the work now started in Milan, decided to take care of it remotely as his successor did for many years: grandpa Alberto.

Alberto then lived in Milan until the end of the 90s with his wife Raimonda, grandma Rai, and daughters Federica and Carlotta, when he then decided to change his life, renovating the old granaries of the company, thus giving life to the Farmhouse Tenuta La Pila in the 2000s.

The daughters are not very convinced of their father’s decision and continue on their way but the youngest Carlotta, after an experience abroad where she meets Bruno, decides in 2013 to move with him to Pila to help her parents and, above all, to build his family.

In the following years, the two little ones of the house arrive: Luca, the big one, and Livia.


Sartori family is ready to welcome you

Daddy Bruno

Daddy Bruno

Daddy Bruno Brazilian lawyer, he left Brasilia for love of Carlotta and so he too ended up falling in love with Tenuta La Pila. He immediately plunged into this new life experience with immense passion and enthusiasm!

Mummy Carlotta

Mummy Carlotta

Daughter of Alberto and Raimonda, she decided to move to Tenuta La Pila after her marriage with Bruno to create and raise her young family and follow in her father’s footsteps. She will be the one to welcome you and above all to follow you for the organization of events.


Firstborn son of Bruno and Carlotta, a true volcano of energy and is always waiting for new friends to play with.


She is the latest addition to the family but she was able to immediately conquer her space with her sweetness and her smile.
Grandpa Alberto

Grandpa Alberto

Engineer from Milan, at the end of the 90s, he decided to change his life by renovating the old granaries of the farm, inherited from his father Pellegrino, giving life to Tenuta La Pila, which he still follows with passion today.

Granma Raimonda

Granma Raimonda

Alberto’s wife, from a Florentine family, brought home all the best qualities of Tuscany: energy, vivacity, lightheartedness and above all taste and love for beauty (i.e. her husband).

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